On-Campus Housing
As space allows, all class levels are housed separately, by designations defined as First Year, Sophomore, Junior and Senior. This is meant to promote community development within the same class and to meet the academic and social needs of each group. Besides living with peers, this arrangement allows staff from Residential Life to provide community events to bridge classroom learning to residential living. This intentional engagement helps students establish meaningful relationships with their peers through shared activities. Use the links below to see student housing details on residence halls, room dimensions, and more.
Residence Halls
Additional Information
- What to bring - What NOT to Bring to college
- Prohibited Items for All Traditional Halls
- Approved Appliance Contract
- Meal Plan Options for the school year.
- Micro fridge or bed lofting rentals from College Products.
- Personal Property Insurance from National Student Services, Inc
- Dormify's Dorm Essentials program offers a convenient and affordable way to purchase x-long sheets, towels, and more. Proceeds go to the Franklin Pierce Sigma Tau Delta chapter.
- Mom and Dad? Don't forget those Care Packages for your student. Your student counts on them!
Off-Campus Petition Process
Franklin Pierce is a residential university committed to education both inside and outside the classroom. As such, we believe that living in university housing is a valuable component of the total educational and developmental experience of being a student. Because of these institutional commitments, a student is required to reside on-campus and is encouraged to become an active participant in campus life.
Residential Life will review off-campus petitions and make the final decision regarding off-campus status. Any student who does not obtain written exemption from the residential requirement is to remain in university housing and is responsible for all associated costs and fees.
Please note the following guidelines
- Simply wanting to live off-campus is not an extenuating circumstance. Your request must stand on its own merits. Circumstances involving other students’ petitions will not be factored into the decision-making process.
- DO NOT sign a lease or make any commitments to a landlord before receiving notice of your off-campus petition being approved.
- Housing contracts are signed for the full academic year. Therefore, a request for off-campus housing in the spring must demonstrate extreme circumstances, as it requires your binding contract with the University to be broken.
For more information, contact Residential Life at (603) 899-4176 or housing@noujcf.com.
- Navigate to franklinpierce.erezlife.com and log in using your Franklin Pierce University username and password.
- Click apply for housing
- Click Apply now to bring up the Off-Campus Petition
- Complete the Off-Campus Petition. Questions with a red asterisk mark (*) are required questions. Please note, supporting documentation is needed depending on your reason for petitioning to live off-campus which can be uploaded within the form and we cannot review your off-campus petition without the required supporting documentation.
- On the Confirm application tab, be sure to read the University’s Off-Campus Terms & Conditions by clicking the terms & conditions file link and then click Submit application.
- Once your Off-Campus Petition has successfully been submitted, you will see a confirmation message and a confirmation email will also be sent to your Franklin Pierce University email. From there, your petition will be reviewed and a member of Residential Life will email you with the decision.
CONTACT residential life
(603) 899-4176
Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.